Some Medical Assistants Cuss too Much It's me I'm some medical assistants shirt

Some Medical Assistants Cuss too Much It's me I'm some medical assistants shirt

We couldn't afford to really get help and it wasn't serious but it was still dangerous. We never declawed them we just broke the habit of them jumping onto us and told them no when they did. It's not hard. Declawing was just the effect of a bad habit caused at the most part due to injury and possible chance of infections. I don't mean to ridicule or put down what you believe or what happened. We all make mistakes and while I don't agree with it I do respect your belief. Just putting this up for consideration next time. Some Medical Assistants Cuss too Much It's me I'm some medical assistants shirt (Literally, we have owned up to 6 plus cats, four goldfishes, four plus dogs, and some rodents. Not altogether. Right now the cat we do own is playful and very scratchy. But we got them some toys and now they take the toy with them to us so they can play. They also love to play tag and no one gets hurt. Just hope this helps explain I guess.) Some Medical Assistants Cuss too Much It's me I'm some medical assistants shirtMy cat accidentally scratched my eye just a month ago. I was nervous as ever to tell the doctors what happened because I was afraid they’d suggest getting her declawed. Luckily, they understood. I didn’t declaw her. I went to my eye doctor, got an exam, and got some antibiotics. I gave her some extra love because it was a freak 
