Laissez moi tranquille Je suis aussi insociable que ma marraine shirt

Laissez moi tranquille Je suis aussi insociable que ma marraine shirt

Avengers/Marvel movies are great but IMO they’re a different type of movie. They’re more casual. There’s nothing wrong with that but the movie details in Avengers can only satisfy my movie detail itch so much. Yeah, those soulless corporate blockbusters can’t compare to the real part of a film like Semi-ProLaissez moi tranquille Je suis aussi insociable que ma marraine shirtSemi-Pro isn't a great movie, but it's a Will Ferrel passion project with a good cast, Marvel movies are the definition of corporate. Just because they make a fuck ton of money doesn’t mean they’re the “definition of corporate.” The comics all started as passion projects from a handful of creators and the movies are usually made by fans that grew up on them.


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