American I’m gonna need another beer to wash down this beer shirt

American I’m gonna need another beer to wash down this beer shirt

And the “details” aren’t really details. There are at least 50 years of character history and lore so the directors/producers put something in as a nice nod. Yea it is a nice detail but some people go nuts like it’s like the best thing ever. I got back into reading books for fun after finishing college, and I gotta say it's made me able to enjoy a lot more movies. That itch for fine writing can be scratched as necessary, and I can thoroughly enjoy mainstream material on the side also meet be thinking I takin better from the book reading. American I’m gonna need another beer to wash down this beer shirtAt the end of Captain America: Civil War, Stan Lee says “Tony Stank” instead of “Tony Stark”. This is a subtle nod to the fact that Stan misread Tony’s name because he has older eyes and the letter “r” and “n” both look similar. Subscribe for more details.
