May Girl With Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Thick Thighs Shirt

May Girl With Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Thick Thighs Shirt

She’s a pretty little girl and thanks to your devotion, she has lost weight, is much happier and you saved her life! I have a Mini Black and Tan Doxi And I have to keep the weight off him. It’s a job for me because a lot of the time I’m homebound. Thank you for sharing your story… Weight is a real problem for little Old Dogsters! May Girl With Tattoos Pretty Eyes And Thick Thighs Shirt. She could have a thyroid gland problem, should get that checked with every overweight dog. I’m so glad you got her and knew how to help some times people -Kill them with kindness. She looks great!! And the new owner looks twice the weight she should be. Im not judgmental but think about it. Bertha is still a beautiful Chihuahua I have one Lucky is a little overweight since he was fixed

Source: Medium
