Fuck Trump If You Like Trump Fuck You Too Shirt

Fuck Trump If You Like Trump Fuck You Too Shirt

Gabrielle Lagarda California Exotic Pet Laws To be short, no wild animals are allowed to be kept as pets in California. This includes all non-domestic canines and felines, elephants, crocodiles, and more. People who support this trade should be penalized as well as the suppliers. They do not care about the well being of the animals. They’re only thinking about themselves and what they can acquire. It’s pretty disgusting all around. Fuck Trump If You Like Trump Fuck You Too Shirt. He is Beautiful all grown up Thank You for rescuing this precious puma and now he can be free to roam in the sanctuary. Thank goodness for that wonderful landlady for alerting the authorities and the authorities for not immediately killing the cub. He is much happier, glad they did that. Regular cats and smalls dogs for apartments.

Source: Medium
