Cocker spaniel flower you're my sunshine shirt

Cocker spaniel flower you're my sunshine shirt

There should be a huge jail sentence and financial loss for people who own exotic pets, stop fooling around and get serious. I absolutely love watching monkey boy and his capuchin brother, Happy. Shows there are good people out there that can do it right. Cocker spaniel flower you’re my sunshine shirt. Gabrielle Lagarda oh shut up you idiot… You just proved the point that selfish twats like you think animals are here for our entertainment… They are wild and part of our ecological structure that maintains the balance on the planet we depend on to survive retard. We are absolutely destroying this planet bit by bit, animal by animal. Grow up and get a conscience. Monkey boy and his capuchin brother are just fine, u should give them a watch, their hooman dad is amazing with them

Source: Medium
