Chicken relax we're all crazy it's not a competition shirt

Chicken relax we're all crazy it's not a competition shirt

Take a break from the world with Faith Restored, a new series from The Dodo that will renew your faith in humanity. Watch heart-stopping rescues, meet inspiring heroes, and witness extraordinary acts of kindness. Tune in every other Thursday and prepare to be uplifted. Chicken relax we’re all crazy it’s not a competition shirt. I do not have the words to thank you all you did for us! Thank you for giving us the opportunity of telling his story! Stefany Dorado Killion ojalá serve para la Gente tome conscience y Rescate más animals! Pia Lozano God bless you, you are truly an angel. Thank you for not giving up on this precious little one, sending you both lots of love from Northern Ireland. Love this wonderful woman with her great big heart

Source: Medium
