Tattooed Low Life shirt

Tattooed Low Life shirt

Michelle Spicer, they definitely don’t poo each time they hop. To train them, you put a litter box where they choose to pee and it’s pretty much instantly. Some of us don’t do Instagram. Chief Brody and Nutsy need a Facebook page. Michelle, mostly they can be litter box trained. I did have one hop-poop, hop-poop bunny though. Tattooed Low Life shirt. I felt the same when I got my Bunny 4 1/2 years ago. Yesterday he died and I am completely broken inside hope your soul rest in peace Bonnie. Just yesterday?!? Oh no! I’m so sorry for your loss. Bunnies are the best! I hope you heal soon and can get another bunny to love. I wonder that is why there is a difference between African and American. I can’t love an animal. dude that’s so sadi lost my Billie after 6.5 years a few months ago & still miss her every day. People just don’t get how much they become part of you

Source: Medium


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