Kanye West Happy Holi-yes Christmas Shirt

Kanye West Happy Holi-yes Christmas Shirt

Just things to consider when analyzing his video and knowing that people really DO fake some of these videos for the cash payouts.im saying this is 100% the case here but I’m very suspicious of this video. Kanye West Happy Holi-yes Christmas Shirt. These men probably knew that mama dog would do a better job of reaching her puppy. You see her fierce determination!!!?? And all that slippery water…..ever tried to grab a tiny wet puppy? It’s like a bar of soap. They did great letting the mom do what she needed to do. Then the men do whatever extra they can….like scooping water or how about that CPR? And you see how small and deep that space was? Along with flooded water all up in there. I think they can’t to dig cause could be a risk for the puppies, the hole could be collapsed. The guy did the right thing!!

Source: Medium


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