I Have Two Titles Mom And Gigi I Rock Them Both Shirt
I Have Two Titles Mom And Gigi I Rock Them Both Shirt
So sweet. When we got our boxer pit, a rescue, she didn’t care to be rubbed on the head. She acted like someone had often hit her and was scared. Now after 2 and a half months, you can pet her with ease on the head. Poor pup. That’s what our youngest Husky was like, took a year before hubby could touch his head and always had to show him open hands to prove he wasn’t going to hit him! Ten years later and he is all about his pack being together …him, us three and our slightly older Husky, they came a two for one deal at the shelter as they couldn’t let one go and leave the other one. They tried it but both cried all day and night for the other so we got both of them for always! I Have Two Titles Mom And Gigi I Rock Them Both Shirt. Thank you for not giving up on your boxer pit. We can only guess what some of these poor animals went through before they came into the shelter of our arms
Source: Medium
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