Have no fear gigi is here shirt

Have no fear gigi is here shirt

This made me cry, partly sad because of what these poor animals have suffered, but mostly because they are free now and able to enjoy the life they should always have had. What’s sad is that those animals going into the wild for the first time in their lives will probably die because they have no experience hunting or being hunted. Have no fear gigi is here shirt. My dream if I ever win the lottery too but 500 acres of land open a shelter for animals run by retired or unemployed vets a place where both will have a home that allows the dignity and freedom. I love zoos for the fact that I can see the animals I’ll never spot in life but also hate it cuz they live in a cage and it breaks my heart. I’m free and feel like I live in a box at times just imagine the animal’s anxiety.

Source: Medium


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