Full of Christmas spirits tequila whiskey spirits shirt

Full of Christmas spirits tequila whiskey spirits shirt

They all came through with the exception of a tiny newborn puppy and every one of those volunteers and all of the followers of their page cried for that little life. She also fosters dogs that come out of abusive homes where one spouse has to flee and can’t keep the pet and has Sanctuary sweethearts that will live out the rest of their days on the property with all kinds of love and toys because they are unadoptable for various reasons. I urge everyone to visit their page as they run off donations and every share can help! Full of Christmas spirits tequila whiskey spirits shirt. No, I dont work there but I’ve been following the page for years and have seen so many amazing things come out of HUA. Lol, I still cry about dogs I fostered who got adopted! Especially the ones that went far away! My favorite went to a far northern spot in Canada from Texas, I will never see her again. Its been 5 years and I still cry. But her mom keeps me updated on social media!

Source: Medium
