Don't worry about me worry about your eyebrows shirt

Don't worry about me worry about your eyebrows shirt

I work at Hearts United for Animals and this is the way it is after every adoption. We all love the dogs so much and give them everything that we can. I cried through this whole video I want to rescue every dog on this planet. I’m already obsessed with his big face. I cried again when he was in the water. I just love happy endings. Don’t worry about me worry about your eyebrows shirt. I just have to say this… Can people just enjoy this awesomeness and not comment on the toilet water!!! or anything else. Stop and think you are being so judgmental when this video is! We have enough judgment in the world we absolutely don’t need it here. That dog is full of love and gentle as a lamb. He is so lucky you saw him and he’s now got a real family in a beautiful home with kids, and other dogs and a bunny too. hmmm, will u adopt my dog Taco and me? Great life Cosmo.. you deserve only the Best sweetheart!!! You have some great new parents too!! Live long and strong!

Source: Medium
