Benny red sox shirt

Benny red sox shirt

Ashley because he opened his heart to a rabbit! Fuck me. If that’s what makes you a man, I guess the ones who dislike animals and just love their kids to death are fake. Stick on the penis and all. Oh, wait sorry. we should double check with the feminazi’s first as to the comprehensive list of qualities one needs to be a REAL man. Benny red sox shirt. Just going to be brutally blunt here for a second I would just like to say I was born with a dick pretty sure that makes me a “real” man. No, A few years back I realized my ex was being abusive to our menagerie so with other reasons previously unknown I cannot stand abuse or experience it. Anyone cruel or abusive to animals, children, or spouses are dangerous and best to avoid them if possible. no honey. You’re basically a bigger version of Pinocchio. You need the blue fairy to make you a REAL man. It’s possibly a blue rabbit.

Source: Medium


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