The Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Boots shirt

The Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Boots shirt

This person God gets blamed for everything that goes bad or I guess phrase for everything that goes well I’ve never met him and how do we know God’s him. God never asks us to mistreat animals. In fact, God gave us humans a task. Which is to manage this world. So why bring God into the picture? The living things you talk about being loved by God he created them. God gave them to us to care for them and everything that has breath. It’s people that mistreat them. No disrespect but think before you post. The Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Boots shirt. If you love God as you should, you would love all of his creation and desire to take care of and protect it. If you claim to love God and can’t do these things, then you don’t love God. Where did God ever say not to care for animals? We are supposed to be stewards of God’s creation it says in Genesis. Yet we are actively destroying it.

Source: Medium
