The Amazing Spider-Man Stan Lee Shirt

The Amazing Spider-Man Stan Lee Shirt

I used to hang with this girl when I was in college. We took some of the same courses and sometimes would just go and grab food during breaks. One day I was talking to her about things we wanted to do after we graduated (we were both seniors). I told her that I couldn’t to wait to adopt a dog. That’s when she told me she animals and that they were disgusting and filthy. She couldn’t understand why anyone would want pets. Needless to say, I stopped hanging out with her. The Amazing Spider-Man Stan Lee Shirt. Sometimes I wish I didn’t adopt a cat because he can be a pain waking me at 5 am and yelling at me but I know I’m just used to having a cat and it’s weird when I don’t have one. I find those who hate animals are miserable people in person. It’s like they are always negative and constantly a downer to be around. I don’t know very many people like that, but the few I do, are the same.

Source: Medium


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