Team Grinch Shirt

Team Grinch Shirt

House bunnies are the best! Some people think rabbits are low maintenance because you just stick them in a hutch in the garden, but they need just as much space and companionship as a dog. If you befriend a bunny they will give you so much love and entertainment, and they have such funny little personalities. So sod having a tidy house and non-chewed possessions. It’s totally worth it to see their happy binkies. Team Grinch Shirt. ou watch the whole thing, I will be quizzing you. This is what a bunny is, how my bunnies were, now you know why I think they are amazing! I had the sweetest dwarf bunny. He had been hurt before I got him, I cleaned his cage and brushed him every day. The vet said he wouldn’t live, but he lived 6 years.he would kiss me when I held him.

Source: Medium


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