Love Thy Neighbor no exceptions shirt

Love Thy Neighbor no exceptions shirt

I just followed their FB and IG. My boy was just recently diagnosed with this at age 2, he acquired it and fell really ill, nearly died. He is doing good now but a lot has changed in his and my life. Gives me so much hope and I hope he can get to the point of doing things outside the home again. Thank you so much for sharing this video, this video means a lot to me! Love Thy Neighbor no exceptions shirt. Bless Mason and Hedgie, I have a dog who was diagnosed at 8 weeks old with Megaesophagus. Vets advised putting her to sleep & when I refused, I was told she would not live to be an adult. We liquidize her food, raise up her bowl to stretch her neck and she is now 15 years old. Vets don’t know everything! Monica Alexandra Aguilar no they don’t they like to think they do but they don’t

Source: Medium


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