Introverts unite separately in your own homes shirt

Introverts unite separately in your own homes shirt

I’ve had cats, ferrets, rats, and dogs and I loved them dearly but I never really got people calling their animals their babies until I got a bunny. I love him so much and he brings me so much joy and I wish I could post a picture of him here. House bunnies are the best! Some people think rabbits are low maintenance because you just stick them in a hutch in the garden, but they need just as much space and companionship as a dog. If you befriend a bunny they will give you so much love and entertainment, and they have such funny little personalities. So sod having a tidy house and non-chewed possessions. It’s totally worth it to see their happy binkies. Introverts unite separately in your own homes shirt. They have little personalities…’ Yes exactly, most people don’t know how wonderful and full of interest they are when given space to show natural behavior.

Source: Medium


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