I googled my symptoms turns out I am a Grinch sweatshirt

I googled my symptoms turns out I am a Grinch sweatshirt

Megaesophagus varies in each individual case but generally means an enlargement or a malformed tube of the esophagus at some point. For my dog Ambles, the enlargement is in her throat and where the esophagus passes over her heart. She cannot have any solids without a huge pouch forming in her throat. We have to rub gently and if she is not sick and manages to swallow the food, the pressure on her heart can cause serious issues, she can fully collapse, legs giving in, and a couple of times has lost consciousness. I googled my symptoms turns out I am a Grinch sweatshirt. We work hard to ensure she has liquids only (liquidized dog food, watered down and then sieved) but she is a real scavenger and if she finds food,(birds dropping bread/ left food whilst on a walk etc) the pain she endures is awful. When she is sick, her throat produces copious amounts of frothy white saliva which surrounds the food in order to reject.

Source: Medium


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