Cool no doubt shirt

Cool no doubt shirt

A woman at work stated that she didn’t like animals. Without even thinking, I told her that I don’t trust people who don’t like animals. Rita Alicea that’s sad. I got my niece a rottweiler puppy for her first birthday and they grew up together. Earnhardt lived for 16 long years. When she passed away you would have thought it was the Human family member, it was that emotional. Cool no doubt shirt. It’s so sad… Some people just aren’t exposed to them much as children. Parents don’t want to deal with the mess and all. But it is amazing how even as an adult with decades of feeling indifference about animals, it certainly didn’t take him long to change his outlook. Not everyone who doesn’t like animals is a sociopath (I used to think this as a kid lol) an animal can really change a person overnight if they are open to the experience of making a furry little friend who doesn’t care if you have a great job, talk too much, or wear sweatpants.

Source: Medium


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