Chicken Inhale The Good Shit Exhale The Bullshirt Shirt

Chicken Inhale The Good Shit Exhale The Bullshirt Shirt

How can anyone stand on a soapbox and rant about neutering without knowing the facts? Would the story be more positive and the video more appealing if the cats were bred to sell the kittens? This is a unique and beautiful end of. It’s easy to rant when you see cats being killed every day because there are not enough homes for them. Those cute little kittens you are so Gaga about are going to either end up in the shelter, or they will take homes away from other cats that are going to die exactly because the cute little babies took their home away. And no, breeding cats does not make the kittens super special or justify the deaths of others. Chicken Inhale The Good Shit Exhale The Bullshirt Shirt. Honestly, I’d most prefer a young cat to keep for a while and start over from scratch, rather than one that might not last long.

Source: Medium
