Walking in a Kinder wonderland Christmas Shirt

Walking in a Kinder wonderland Christmas Shirt

A few months back I found one adult male cat sitting close to the road divider by the highway. In spite of the drizzle, he did not go away. Hence, I stopped my car and lifted him to see his condition. I found his femur bone broken. The doctor told us he will naturally heal which is happening. The animal is extremely friendly and it appears that he strayed away from his master and got injured. He is toilet trained as well. He is the most beautiful, I mean it, the male cat I have ever seen. How wonderful that you are making such a positive difference in your corner of the world. Grandpa Mason’s School of Etiquette always graduates great kitties. And Grandpa Mason is an amazing teacher! I socialize feral cats at my local animal shelter so this story really got to me. I can’t believe how many of our feral cats are socialized and get adopted to happy, caring homes. Never give up on them because they will always surprise you.

Source: Medium


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