This is the best costume believe me Shirt

This is the best costume believe me Shirt

They are still caged, and cannot ever go back to the wild and expect to live. Just because the cage is not small and they move to a bigger one does not mean its great. We should not be doing caging at all. Then again how else will we progress in modern science? Majority of our breakthrough medical procedures have been at the cost of an animal’s suffering. The sad part is, the majority of these animals who are released into the wild may not survive. They should not have been captured in the first place. What we do to animals is abhorrent. I know why we do it…we’re selfish…I’ll never understands how we CAN do it though. I saw a video once of a man skinning an otter while it was still alive. I feel that he should die the exact same way!!

Source: Medium


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