Rose's are red violet's are blue little stupid ass bitch shirt

Rose’s are red violet’s are blue little stupid ass bitch shirt

Scott Cullen, I said all humans regardless of their religion and race grow up .and there are bad and good people everywhere .does this man belong to my people or yours. And doesn’t belong to me either, it’s just bad and good people out there. Let’s try to belong to good ones and don’t criticize one another depending on race and religion, we all share this planet together, let’s make it a better place together that’s all. Rose’s are red violet’s are blue little stupid ass bitch shirt. Primates do just as much horrible things to each other as we do. Stop acting like you’re special, you’re just another animal in the kingdom. Jesse White but we humans including myself hurt each other and animals, destroying everything good on this planet, we are the worst and I am not acting like I am special because we are all humans including myself .we are capable of destroying everything.

Source: Medium


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