Roman Reigns Fuck cancer believe that Shirt

Roman Reigns Fuck cancer believe that Shirt

My daughter adopted a 15 yo male cat from WI humane society this past June that no one wanted. They didn’t even charge her the $99 fee. They said he’ll hiss and spit, and probably hide for 2 weeks. We got him back to her apartment and he came out of his carrier purring, happy, rubbing up against her and everything in her place, never looking back on his old life. She carries him around, he goes everywhere with her. She gave him a new name and a new outlook on life. At the vet for a checkup turns out he might be 10 years old, tops! Wish I could post a picture of him. He’s 17 lbs. and looks like this Grandpa cat. So sweet! Big difference between feral and homeless. Most are actually homeless most of their lives, but random people feed them. Mergirl Elaine So all these old feral cats (including the one in the video) are fake news? Kitten Lady clearly needs to educate herself. And you too for taking her word as gospel.

Source: Medium


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