Nothing Inspires the words fuck off like someone asking me to watch shirt

Nothing Inspires the words fuck off like someone asking me to watch shirt

For the record, It’s not a class of its own. It is one of many cephalopods. The order, family, and genus are indeed, unique. Where in hell does it live there’s no lakes large enough in hell Michigan or hell Norway. It doesn’t look like “a class of its own” but rather like another subspecies of squid. Just an opinion. I do not believe Vampire Squid is a good name at all. If it does not suck blood or is even classed as a squid, the name means nothing lol. This is not a good name. Cool perhaps but not good haha. I see scientists are still finding new species all the time. The Ocean is so deep and wide that we will never know all the animal and fish life that exist there.

Source: Medium


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