I love when my wife lets me buy another bike shirt

I love when my wife lets me buy another bike shirt

So how can you keep them together? I’m a foster Mom and I understand it can be expensive but you can’t expect people to donate to a little clip of 2 cuties playing. I don’t ask for anything from anybody. I enjoy fostering. My Wilbur when old enough to be in the pasture, he and our horse became inseparable, when we moved and had to separate them, both he and our horse went into a blue funk, they missed one another so much. This is so cute. I like that they get along so well even though they are different..too bad people cannot accept the differences of each other..God made all people and all animals. I seriously hate the fact that people eat pigs!!! They are so freaking smart!! Smarter than dogs, dolphins and a 3 yr old kid!! If u aren’t willing to give up all meat please at least give up eating pigs!!! As u wouldn’t eat dogs… Educate urself.

Source: Medium


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