I just want to bake cookie & watch Hallmark Christmas Movies shirt

I just want to bake cookie & watch Hallmark Christmas Movies shirt

I witnessed a neighbor of mine, smashing the pig’s head repeatedly… took 5 minutes for it to knock out completely… and then they opened the stomach, dead piglets. This was when I was 7, in Thailand. So, be glad they’re peaceful to their hunt. I just want to bake cookie & watch Hallmark Christmas Movies shirt. I disagree with hunting just because people take it to far, and my friend rubs it in my face about how she trophy hunts just for the “cools”. I dislike the saying, “they’re overpopulating”, so are we. We weren’t here first, they were. We’re killing their habitats just for our dairy products, that’s not even necessary. Pal Sueabuengphrao — I don’t think my meat comes from my neighbor bashing it in the head with a rock.

Source: Medium


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