Ball Drop Golf Fuck Shirt

Ball Drop Golf Fuck Shirt

I have always battled with how I felt about hunters as an animal lover. In conclusion, I’ve decided that I have much more respect for a hunter who hunts ethically and uses as much as the animal as possible. Ball Drop Golf Fuck Shirt. Hunters who don’t do so out of some sick need to murder something but to feel self-sufficient, love nature and respect animals. People who regularly eat meat from supermarkets or butchers or restaurants complaining about hunters are so massively hypocritical. Factory farming treats an animal so disturbingly compared to a hunter and his gun. I think trophy hunting like this is gross. Think of the connotations of the word Trophy, the picture of the dead animal and it’s smiling killer. If it was purely for conservation and to feed villages OK but the pride these people take in killing is sick.

Source: Medium


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