Women Veteran don’t have Attitude we have standards Shirt

Women Veteran don’t have Attitude we have standards Shirt

Removing empathy for the animal from the equation makes it easier for people to not see what is happening, or if they do see it, do not find fault with it (ex: cows don’t feel pain, or morn the loss of their calves, and other lies etc). Women Veteran don’t have Attitude we have standards Shirt. What we need to do is show more videos like this. Remind people that the only difference between the animal on their plate and the one they call a companion is an arbitrary one determined by greed, social acceptance, and economics. It’s a slow process, but it’s one I think works. I know, cause it worked on me and I see it working every day on. Ashlynn Holcomb oh, you don’t think animals are scared shitless and don’t suffer when they are slaughtered?
Source: Medium


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