Unicorn I will shank you with my horn Shirt

Unicorn I will shank you with my horn Shirt

God bless whoever found her and took these pictures so I know that help is on the way. What about the penguins and fish? Now please help them, please help them all. From what I heard is there are people and organization trying to get her out. But they need to get permission from the park owner until now the owner is yet to give any reply. Unicorn I will shank you with my horn Shirt. Oh and nobody’s doing anything about this? But they have time and energy to put this on Facebook! Really. That’s so mean give her to another sanctuary she needs company she’ll go mad. They will have to put her with a human for awhile or another dolphin. They will get her out. Poor thing being left there like that hope they can rescue her and prosecute the people that left her
Source: Medium
