Peace love dogs hippie sunflower Shirt

Peace love dogs hippie sunflower Shirt

I would have done the same but I probably would have talked to it I a soothing voice “you’re okay baby, shhhhhh, we’re gonna get you out, you’re okay. It’s going to be okay” lol I’m weird like that. You’d come home to a ripped up porch. lol, I wouldn’t hesitate to rip it apart if it would free this baby. The guy let the lady do all the work while he’s holding the camera. Still nice work helping the little fellow. Peace love dogs hippie sunflower Shirt. Thank God for this man and his selfless act! The owner couldn’t be bothered, she is just a commodity to him; something to be written off his taxes as a loss, instead of the living, breathing creature she is. I hope she will learn that not all humans are cruel and have a long, happy life.
Source: Medium


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