Let’s Go Shirt

Let’s Go Shirt

Britt Ventrice believe me? I am agreeing with it. I have videos all over my page showing the chickens and pigs floating around by scumbag farmers and factory farming that were taken by a rescue group. Let’s Go Shirt. Kimberly Ann you made it seem like those monsters are looking for them. My bad sorry. Pigs are the best!!! And they are so smart and clean!!! We rescued 3 little runt pigs and got them healthy and then they went to a sanctuary in Texas!!! We felt like we had given our children away!!! Even the dogs were so sad!!! We go and visit when we can and the moment they hear our voice, the ground starts shaking as they run to see us! What a fine, young man. Blessings to all who care for and rescue animals.
Source: Medium
