I was going be a trump voter for Halloween shirt

I was going be a trump voter for Halloween shirt

Shirley Myers Campbell, how am I lecturing anyone? I’m asking a question. If you think it’s ethical to slaughter cows, then, by all means, continue eating them. Don’t lecture people on their eating habits. That’s so damn annoying. I was going be a trump voter for Halloween shirt. I grew up in a small town and had family that worked in barns so I was able to lend a helping hand as a child, my dad worked as a butcher all my life, until switching careers 10 years ago. I never said they weren’t scared. And from all the slaughters I saw it was an instant kill. I also have a bunch of families that raise their own hogs to eat. They name them and everything. they name them and then eat their pets? That’s literally horrifying. I grew up in a small town too and have experienced first hand how fucked the meat and dairy industry is, which is why I don’t consume animal products. Hey, Whatever lets you sleep at night.
Source: Medium


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