Yes I am the Crazy Dog Lady shirt
Yes I am the Crazy Dog Lady shirt
This is so so to even know it happens. Thank you, Jesus, for putting these divers there to save this turtle. Thank goodness there are some good guys in the world! Awesome! Wow, thank you, guys! Now, this is excellent news, three innocent animals saved and free to keep living! And people wonder why I hate the human race….but I thank you, kind people, for the multiple saves….at least there is that. Yes I am the Crazy Dog Lady shirt. Wretched, filthy humans who are such slobs. How can this be legal ??? Why do so many have so little consideration for the water, land, and creatures ?? This makes me sick to even think about it, plastic needs to be taken out of production, screw the big oil companies and those driven by greed.
Source: Medium
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